I want to take a moment to thank the man who taught us how to have Fridays at Dillon High again, our own Coach Taylor.


Rios: How many?
Raffi: Uh, two hundred and eighteen Warbirds.
Rios: Ah. Two hundred and eighteen. That's not so bad.
Raffi: True, you really only have to worry about the first hundred and nine.

Benson: You do know I'm on Monica's side.
Lawyer: I do. But I can be louder. And more effective.

I should go clean out my locker...she said at the age of 33.


So you finally see the beast behind the man. Maybe you can understand why I'm not rushing to Hades with open arms.


My mom’s other kids are dead to her after this Sak’s trip.


Ramse: You don't know anything about scavs.
Whitley: I know enough.
Ramse: Bullshit.
Whitley: They're like animals, living off the weak. Taking what they don't deserve, like you and Cole.

Paige: JJ? This is where we first met. Remember?
JJ: Who are you?
Paige: I just told you.
JJ: That's impossible. I'm the one who found her. I was holding her, begging her to come back to me, but she was already gone.
Paige: I don't know what happened that night. All I know is I'm here now. Would you please hold me again?

Chandler: (To Joey) And this from the cry-for-help department. Are you wearing makeup?
Joey: Yes, I am. As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani, actor slash model.
Chandler: That's so funny, 'cause I was thinking you look more like Joey Tribbiani, man slash woman.

Look, you're remarkable. Any man would be lucky to have you in his life, and I'm lucky to have you in me. It just can't be.


Chadwick: It's all set. They'll all be there.
Livengood : You sure we need all of them?
Chadwick: You want to put pressure on one Cody, gotta get the other Codys to do it.
Livengood: And you think they will.
Chadwick: I've been working these guys. They only care about themselves. None of them are going to jail for Adrian I promise you that.

Renee: Can I ask you something, David? Are you doing this for yourself or for my sister?
David: Both.
Renee: Make sure you're doing it for yourself, only for yourself. The life is too hard.