As for the magic, if you ever get the urge, there are other ways. You don’t have to do magic to feel it.

Davina [to Kol]

The first rule about Fight Club is you will talk about Fight Club, now!


You're the closest thing [Callen] has to a father.

Volkoff [to Nikita]

Have you been in the bathroom? It's like Sodom and Gomorrah in there.

Harper [to Dixon]

Peter, you, you’re son---you’re my family.


Nolan: Any advice on how to deal with her?
Nick: Don’t try to figure her out?
Nolan: Because I’m not qualified.
Nick: Therein lies the madness. Is there any real rationale why someone would take off a person’s hands or pour boiling oil down someone’s throat? There’s this morbid curiosity to ask why. Don’t. You don’t want to know what’s in her head and you sure as hell don’t want her in yours.

Eloise: Without the surgery, how long do I have?
Conrad: Not long, Eloise.

Ziva: That is total salami!
Tony: Bologna.

I killed him to convince myself that you were right, that I was the type of person who could kill in cold blood and I was never gonna change.


Elizabeth [after ending a call with a Filipino general]: Just to confirm we all heard the same thing, that was a clear offer for a covert assassination.
Russell: Well...that's one way to skin a cat.

Chief: Have you been hearing any words I've been saying?
Rebecca: I respect you too much to say "yes."

I could make you cut your own throat if I wanted to.
