Susan Banks has so many screws loose her head is flapping about.


Hot yoga enthusiasts must be up in arms.


We don't win unless the judge wants you to win. Got it?


Valerie: You already have a speech written don't you?
Joseph: She brought this upon herself. It's the end of her; it's not the end of the PFD.

Kathryn: Is that best you can do? Come on, that may fool Matt, but it doesn’t fool me.
Claire: What?
Kathryn: You’ve been glowing recently, Claire, and you sure as shit aren’t pregnant since you’ve been chugging this tequila, so I’m 99% sure you’re having an affair.
Claire: Oh my god, stop.
Kathryn: Come on. There’s a reason people have been having affairs since the dawn of time. How else would you remember you’re still alive? Were you with the guy this weekend? I knew it. Yeah, you were. Ooooh.
Claire: Ahahaha. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never given myself permission to feel this way.

I need to stay in town until I sort this out. That wouldn't be a pull out, would it? As a possible investor, I'd love a chance to test these sheets.


(to Charlie) I ignore you at my own peril when it comes to women, liquor, and venereal disease.


Seriously, if one more person asks me if I'm ok they are not going to be ok.


Miz Cracker: There’s this stereotype that drag queens have to be like beautiful in their makeup and glamorous and everything. But this is not necessarily true. Look a Juju! Look at her!
[Everyone laughs]
Miz Cracker: What was I saying? Oh right, humility and love.
[Everyone laughs]

Now, that is some terrific branding. But you should really consider bringing a gun to a gunfight.

Black Mask

Mel: I'm sorry about your brother.
Alycia: Really? I'm not sorry about yours.

Meredith: Enough of this Christmas crap. Let's get some party music. [changes station] Yeah!!!
Michael: Yeah, oh there you go.
Meredith: Yeah!
Michael: That's good.
Meredith: Yeah that's better.
Michael: We're party girls.