That was Granny's gone wild, knitting, porno weirdness.


I'm flattered, but without that succubus heat, it's just wet.

Prison Warden

Book: You could just say thank you.
Reno: Biologically impossible. If he tried, his DNA would unravel like a hormonal teenager.

Joe Voiceover: Why does my own child not like me?
Love: You know, babies can tell when you're not in it, Joe.

Charlotte: This is an awfully long way to go to watch some firemen take their shirts off.
Samantha: Honey, I'm on the fucking ferry, I better see more than just peaks.

You definitely got the smart half of the embryo.


The Scarlett Speedster. Any preference on the way you'd like to die? The flame or the frost? Not in the mood for chit chat. Gotcha. Ready when you are.


Coop: What's up with Carlton?
Laura: Darius. And you know how busy I've been. With the firm growing, I need all the help I can get.

SInce you're a babe in the woods, let me give you some advice. Washington is dog-eat-dog, so you can't let people walk all over you. If you want to be a doormat, go work in a carpet shop.


Mr. Frond: So, I guess the way this whole time capsule thing works is now we have to do one.
Tina: You mean we get to do one.
Mr. Frond: Sure. And since you've shown an interest, how'd you like to coordinate it? So I don't have to.
Tina: Me? Really?
Mr. Frond: Yeah, get some submissions from students-
Tina: Decide what best represents Wagstaff? Who lives, who dies, who tells their story?
Mr. Frond: Kind of regretting this now.

Jamal: Oh no. Do you think I'm one of those people who can't enjoy sex without love?
Abuelita: God, I hope not. Those people are the worst.

Terrance: No! It's Sally. She's being held captive in Iran.
Phillip: Not Sally! Dear God, no, Terrance! Why Sally?! God, why?! Say, Terrance, who's Sally?