Nic: How many times have I watched you cross a line for a patient -- a stranger to you. This is my sister. Be honest, if it were me and I needed a kidney, what would you do?
Conrad: Anything.

Dean: You don't want to fight me Tristan.
Tristan: Why not?
Dean: Because I will kill you, idiot!

Dawn: If this were any other patient, you'd see this my way.
Alex: No, I wouldn't.

Ben: Leo, I know how hard it can be to have hope. Hope that things will get better. Hope that you’ll get a fair shot at life, but it is helpful to have hope, even if you can’t see it.
Leo: I don’t believe in anything I can’t see.

Nadia: We don’t need Thony!
Arman: Thony is the one who knows what sells in the medical field.
Nadia: Selling her meds wasn’t enough and never will be. I need to talk to Robert and ask him to cut our interest or we’ll drown in debt.
Arman: No you’re not going to ask him for another damm thing. I don’t want you close to that guy.

(bowing to Homer) King of thieves, we worship you!

Apu and Moe

Victor: What the hell happen to you?
Theresa: I broke my ankle.
Victor: Eh, I would have thought your kneecaps would be the first to go.

So bigger boobs and no sex. It's a guys worst nightmare.


Just dance, monkey!


Emily: I am sorry about Daniel.
Victoria: I know.

You seem to fancy yourself a master storyteller. Well, tell me a story about a man who thinks he can punch people without consequence. That story’s not this story, but in the spirit of burying the hatchet, you get to decide what the consequence will be. You help me restore my honor in the ring with a cross-promotion between the DWL and Dystopia, or I hit you back and take everything you got. It is not for me to ask you why the consequences of punching me never occurred to you. Maybe they did, and you dismissed them. Not smart. So, you decide if you want to take the olive branch out of my bum and work together or if you want to watch me take every goddamned dollar you made for the rest of your goddamned life. I look forward to hearing from you.


Cookie: Why? Why would you do this to our family?
Hakeem: I didn't do it to the family. I did it to him.