Someone hacked Quantico.


My tribe they gonna come here one at a time, I'm gonna pick 'em off and I'm gonna make 'em suffer.


You know on days like this, Alex was the one who made me laugh. Dark, gallow humor. But he made me laugh.


Voight: Don't say a word.
Rixton: I wouldn't mind coming clean.

Cabe: Thanks for saving my ass out there today.
Toby: Cabe, are we becoming friends?
Cabe: Now you ruined it!

Awesome: She knows everything about me.
Sarah: Except which member of the family is a spy.
Casey: That's an understandable mistake. One of them looks like a spy and the other one looks like Chuck.

You and your mum seem to be getting on better since you introduced her to orgasms.


Ross: Okay, last time you woke up in the fridge?
Liam: Yeah. The fridge, the garden, and the road.
Ross: You were digging on the road?
Jenny: No. I wasn't digging the road, I was just on the road.
Liam: Yeah, while you were asleep.
Jenny: Okay. I'm not exactly sure why I'm sleepwalking. Right? But maybe it's just because I'm stressed. Or because we're renovating. Or just because I need a nap.

Roosevelt: What matters is you stopped a monster.
Kreizler: We set out to stop a monster, but all we found was a wounded child.

Cash: You don’t even see her.
Austin: I see her, Cash. I see how much she knows about bull riding. She is my muse, brother.
Cash: She’s just a prize for you, Austin. She’s just a pretty girl for you to hang onto your arm. You don’t love her the way she deserves to be loved.
Austin: And you do?

Money is not beside the point. Money IS the point.


What? I watch a lot of Discovery Channel.

Shaw [to Danny]