He seems nice.

Sebastian [to Hannah]

Without the sub, there's no way off this lab.


Adam: Do you remember what I said?
Wilder: "It's time for us to let you go."
Adam: And now, it's time to let me go.
Wilder: I just want to help you.
Adam: You have helped me. So much. More than anyone has or ever will. But now... I need to be on my own And so do you.

Anthony: So you like him? You like being around him?
Erin: Yes, I like being around him. That's why once upon a time I married him.
Anthony: Well, I don't like him. You want to hear why?
Erin: No, I don't, because I've heard it all from my family.
Anthony: So why don't you listen to everyone who loves you?
Erin: Because they hold every bad thing he's done in his life against him forever. It's like Irish Alzheimers. They forget everything except the grudges.

Liza: Oh, I got it cut short like Louise Brooks. I thought it would fit the period. Don't you love it?
Bob: What if I don't? [break] Just kidding.

Tommy/Bruce: What the hell did you do that for?
Alice: No reason at all because reason doesn't matter.

You giving you your ex-girlfriend a polygraph is not one of your better ideas.


Alice: Kate is going to pick me.
Catherine: For your sake, I hope that's true. But just in case she chooses otherwise, I'll save you a seat in Hell.

Turk: Cool trick.
Dr. Casey: Yeah, you should try it. It's good for dexterity, concentration... and convincing single women you're a power-dork.

Damn, Logan. Even I feel intimidated.


Shaun: We've been doing nothing but working for three weeks and neither of us feels better.
Lea: A weekend in the woods won't change anything. Not to mention you can't even sleep on the couch, never mind outside on the ground.

I know I don't say it enough, but I love you guys.
