I don't apologize unless I'm wrong.


Are you here to rescue me, Shadow Moon?


I am not the problem. You are.


As one ass-kicking demon to another, I really appreciate your work.

Torres [to Ziva]

Ben: I don't know how you can be so goddamned stupid.
John: I don't know why you can't just let it go. I like the taste of turkey bacon. It's not some big political thing. I just like it.
Ben: Oh, come on, John. It's disgusting. Turkey bacon. It tastes like salted asshole.

Never hide your light because it makes somebody else feel bad.

Mrs. Dawson

You made a judgment call? To punch a women in her face?

A.D.A. Barba

My tongue is perfectly pressed. I've gotten maje compliments about it.


Listen, Paul. Everything's going to be all right. We're going to focus on one moment at a time, okay? And we're going to do all of this slowly and carefully... because I need you out of there alive so I can kill you.


Eric: If you wanna work with Vince again you'll call, it's that simple.
Ari: No one will want to work with Vince if I call. You think that he was cold 3 months ago? After this I won't be able to put him in an I film

Tandy: My friends are going to find me.
Lia: What friends, Tandy? I’ve been watching you for weeks now. Sitting in that circle, brooding and boiling. All that untapped rage and energy looking for an outlet.
Tandy: Don’t act like you know me.
Lia: Don’t act like I don’t. This motel is filled with girls like you, and they all start off thinking there’s someone out there that’s gonna find them. Then they all remember the friend they told off ... the mother they screamed at. When you have nobody, nobody’s gonna save you.

Pam: When I started this magazine, women were only just beginning to find their own voices to find that strength to be able to say my body is my body.
Jane: We've come a long way.
Pam: Absolutely, and there is no going back. Knowledge is power.