I was there too, remember? Teaching Charlie how to play poker. Frying an egg for him every morning. Uncle Alan! I loved that kid too! I buried him. I found his body and I didn't leave until he had a place to rest.


Nolan: Nice trick, Warrant.
Sunshine: We shook them for now, but I'm going to have to stick up my neck to get up there.

So, I guess Uncle Bo's just a distant memory now, huh?


Let me see that Nick power. Grrr. There you go, c'mon, hit that unspecified gym equipment. Yeah, make it sorry it ever came off of the factory line!


Lois: Stewie, you can't leave the table until you finish your vegetables.
Stewie: Well then, I shall sit here until one of us expires, and you've got a good forty years on me woman!

I have no pride before my congregation. They would smell it a mile off. I meet them as they are. No better, no worse.


Major: You know what I think? This whole is just some inter-service rivalry.
Vance: You're wrong there, Major. NCIS is a civilian agency. We don't report to anyone in uniform. We will follow every possible lead, wherever it may take us. Get Waters over here, or we'll drag him in in handcuffs.

Paul: Thanks you're a doll.
Jane: A doll is a child's toy.

Divya: Well, I love what I do.
Raj: I can tell. And I can see how much you are giving up for us.

Martha: Do you know how women work?
Luke: Of course! I'm a doctor.

Morgan: Due to the anger and inability to perform, those injuries are recent.
Reid: His explosive outbursts can be built from frustration that usually manifests from things out of one's control, like an accident.
Morgan: So let's go with that, I mean who ever is helping him has a definite loyalty. A responsibility even.
Hotch: The caregiver could've caused the impairment.
Rossi: He's the one who has shown remorse, and guilt. He might have a sense of morality.
Prentiss: If that's the case, the best way to break up a partnership is to drive a wedge between them.

If you ever, ever go near my son again, I will hunt you down and I will kill you if it's the last thing I do.
