Dr. Nathan: You are the same woman who lost a child and rolled out of the hospital with three babies just the same. You're as tough as they come, Rebecca Pearson.
Rebecca: Not without him.
Dr. Natahn: Bullcrap.

So I stabbed myself, to let the blood cool off.


Valda: Well improvised Agent Nelson.
Artie: There is a madness to the method.

Everything okay with her? She seems a little off.


I miss being bulletproof.


Lily lika lika, the honka honka.


Hey, I'm really sorry for the sneak attack. I just thought that reuniting in the treatment room would have been awkward. Which it was.


Charlotte: I'm married, I can't be looking at gardeners. This is insane.
Samantha: Honey, what's the point of being in the suburbs if you're not going to fuck a gardener?

Stan: Cartman, what the hell are you doing?
Cartman: I'm milking the dog. They make dog milk.

Okay that warrants a "how the hell did it do this?!"


Lucas: Can I ask you a question?
Peyton: It's a free country...
Lucas: Why are you a cheerleader? I mean, no offense or anything, but you're about the least cheery person I know. ... Come on, let me give you a ride. I'll let you insult me.
Peyton: First of all, you don't know me. Second of all, you don't know me. God, why are guys such jerks?

Eliot: Listen, I have a man in my head. He’s looking for a body and you have one that you don’t even really want.
Margo: Jesus, no way he goes for this. You’re an idiot Charlton.
Hyman: He wants to take this, and I would what, stay in astral forever?
Eliot: Well you could or you could…
Hyman: Empathically yes. Oh my god on one condition.
Eliot: OK.
Hyman: Your head pal has to do weird things with my body. Sex things.
Eliot: OK.
Hyman: What’s his name?
Eliot: Charlton.
Hyman: No act too depraved Charlton. I’ll be watching whether you like it or not.
Eliot: What have we done?