Katherine: It's OK. I got this. 
Rome: I can't catch a break. 
Gina: Babe. 
Rome: I just need a minute. 

Teddy: What you did today with Abby that was not protocol.
Jo: I know, I know, and I'm sorry.
Teddy: I'm saying that it should be.

Sofia: Is it so hard to believe that someone would want to do something nice for you?
Penguin: There was only one person in my whole life who ever did things for me without wanting something in return. And that was my mother.

As surgeons we deal in absolutes. In certainty. We make a choice, we believe it's right. We can't second guess ourselves. At least, that's what I used to think.


Ben: He was always so mad at me for something and I just felt like I was a disappointment to him.
Darlene: Oh. Yeah, but I'm sure at some point he stopped expecting to be proud of you. Aw, I'm sorry, I'm not good at comforting.

I'm gonna have sex with you in your natural body. Now, I would simply ask that you be careful that your wings don't poke me in the eye. Also, please be aware my skin is very sensitive, it chafes easily. Also, please don't talk while we're doing it. I mean, your demon vice is a little mannish, okay?

Ben [to Nina]

Carter; Tear it all down. Now. Or I'm cancelling Kwanzaa.
Warlord: What is Kwanzaa?
Carter: Ha! I knew it wasn't real.

Olivia: Huck, I know you have feelings for this woman, but enough already. She doesn't love you. Turn her in.
Huck: No.
Olivia: Huck, this isn't just about you anymore. It's about a man lying in a hospital bed because your girlfriend shot him in the head. A woman who's clearly using you to protect herself, and if you can't see that, you're blind.
Huck: Don't touch me. Do I tell you who to love? No. So don't tell me.

Staff Sgt. Boyko: It's not rocket science.
Dov Epstein: It's some kind of science.

Karen: I like her. I hope you stick around.
Adele: I'm temporary.

Ryn: Ryn always with you.
Maddie: We love you.

Anything less than a thank you from Danny Reagan and I will personally knock him on his behind.
