Eric: Hey, thanks for meeting me.
Dan: I'm surprised my dad and Lily let you out of the house, even for food.
Eric: Oh, well it might have something to do with my volunteering. Or voluntary drug testing. Look, the schnitzel's on me. I'm sorry about lying last week.
Dan: Oh, thanks. Have you heard from Damien?
Eric: Oh, no, actually. Knowing the ambassador, after you told him he was dealing I'm sure he had him exiled to some very cold, very distant country.

You know what your wife told me in the shower this morning? You're a good guy.


Abaddon: I so appreciate you boys coming when I call. That's what I like most about you Winchesters. Obedient... and suicidally stupid. I like that, too.
Dean: We going to fight or make out, 'cause I'm getting some real mixed signals here.

I realized in that moment that this sweet, sweet little girl was sent to me. She was sent to me to heal my little girl inside. And I realized that she was meant to my daughter, and I was meant to be her mother.


I hate wearing uniforms in the summer. The material's itchy. The belts are way high.


Beth-No, I'm going to need to hear you say it.
Rio- We're good.

Leslie: Ann, you ready to bag some birds?
Ann: Nope. But I am ready to relax by the fire and get my real simple magazine on.
Leslie: Well if you change your mind, you're now officially a licensed Indiana hunter.
Ann: Oh, gross.

If a news outlet doesn't have credibility it doesn't matter what else it has.


Andy: You don't understand clothing, Toby. You're dressed like this amorphous blob of khaki.
Toby: All right, look, what you gotta understand is that when you come to work, you give up certain rights.
Dwight: Listen up, Flenderson. You're being weak and ineffectual. I'm cowboying this meeting, okay? Here are the new rules. Earth tones only. Also, women are forbidden to wear pants.
Toby: All right, come. Sit down, Dwight.
Dwight: No.
Toby: I'm running this meeting.
Dwight: That's debatable.
Toby: It's not. It's not. Sit down or I am writing you up.
Meredith: Ooh, where has this guy been?
Toby: Casual Fridays are cancelled. [everyone protests] Let's just not do it anymore.
Andy: You're running from the problem.
Toby: There's not a single appropriate outfit in this whole--except mine, quite honestly.

Marissa: Chunk’s been looking for you all morning.
Bull: What does he want?
Marissa: I don’t know, but he’s dressed strangely.
Bull: Really, how can you tell?

Adapt. That's what humans do, isn't it? Our great leg-up? We roll. We hack. Knuckle down and change.


You hang around crazy long enough, it'd be hard not to get suckered in.
