If that weed is yours, it explains the universal popularity of your brownies.


You see, you and I, we work for the same person, but only you are stupid enough to think that Camila won't throw you to the wolves to save her own ass.


Sami: Am I interrupting something?
Belle: Mom and Dad are getting married.
Hattie: You weren't excluded... entirely.
Sami: It's okay, I'm used to it.

In English, in honor of today, I am overwhelmed by the love and support in this room. As I studied for my citizenship exam, I learned about 'E pluribus unum," "out of many, one." It is said that it originated by the famous Roman writer Cicero about family and friends. When each person loves the other, as much as herself, it makes one out of many. And as I look around this room, I understand what he meant. Out of many, one. You are all part of my journey. I spent so many years, worrying about being separated from all of you. And I am so grateful that I will never have to worry about that again.


You care. I need somebody who doesn't care.


Obama: I don't know how they did it, but the Chinese secured my victory. I have to fulfill my obligation.
Presidential Staff: And what if General Tso suddenly gets the courage to go to the press with all this?
Obama: Don't worry, everyone knows General Tso's chicken.

Chris Keller: Looking for your wife?
Nathan: You're funny. You're also done messing with Haley.
Chris: We're just rehearsing, man.
Nathan: No, you were rehearsing. That's over now.

Barry: I don't understand. I thought that I was helping people by stopping Mardon.
Harrison: Yes, but this new ability of yours, Barry, is dangerous and you only traveled back in time one time. What if you traveled back in time decades, centuries? Imagine the havoc you could wreak.
Barry: But I will have the opportunity to travel back in time in the near future to save my mom. Are you saying I shouldn't?
Harrison: I'm saying how many more people could die if your mother lives.

Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass waiting for the Jitney. A dozen roses in one hand, his heart in the other. You know what they say: A man is a good thing to come home for. But an even better thing to come home with.

I did not commit this crime. Therefore...why should I step down? Should we allow our future to be dictated by apostate Arab states, by foreign meddlers? Should we let the so-called international community, and traitors within Abuddin succeed in the...


The reason that I keep bringing up our kiss is because I like like you.


There's a 36 throwback in it. I'd bet my life on it. So have a nice night.

Julie [to TA]