Travis: So are we talking about it?
Dean: Nope.
Travis: Are you sure?
Dean: I would rather literally do anything else.

William Shakespeare once wrote "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."


Who do you think took care of her? Kept track of her? Got her committed so she wouldn't hurt herself? Who do you think took care of your kids? Your best was worthless. I was the dad. I was the kid, but I was the dad. You were nothing. You were gone. You're worthless.


Casey: You're ready to jump back on the dating horse again?
Ashleigh: I'm ready to ride that horse like a bucking bronco.

Agent Watson: Whoever your understudy is he might want to brush up on his archery. Or did you think we didn't notice that no arrows were used in taking down Faust?
Oliver: Are you done?
Agent Watson: I'm not.
Oliver: OK...

Cam: Dr. Hodgins, I can still see one in his mouth.
Hodgins: These badboys are fontanela communis. They're non-poisonous.
Cam: Yeah, but still with those gross spider faces and legs, though.

Lucas: Oh, I'm sorry Princess, I was looking for my friend Haley. (looks at tables filled with beauty and hair products) Wow, did it really take all this stuff to make you look like this?
Haley: No, everybody got ready in here. Including Rachel and Brooke, for some reason.

Dale Smither: Funny, I didn't hear your footsteps.
Sylar: That's because there weren't any.
Dale Smither: That sound, in your heart. What is it?
Sylar: [smiling] Murder.

Dr. Cox: A-a-a-anyway, something weird's been going on with me lately: I have been sleeping more, I've been drinking alone... less... I've even started complimenting people.
Todd: Oh, come on! Get your pump on!
Dr. Cox: God help me, Sluggo, if you get any more buff, I'll be absolutely sure that you're gay!
Todd: Oh, I'm gonna get more buff!

Amy: I'm just going to go find him and be brutally honest.
Raj: He'll be so upset. He'll probably climb up the Empire State Building and start swatting at planes.

Daisy: I could call in an anonymous tip like "I hear roaring at night."
Angela: I was thinking more along the lines of looking at satellite photos on the internet and seeing if any of the farms shout "tiger."
Camille: That is brilliant.

Hank: I feel a hate crime coming on.
Charlie: Don't be hatin' on the good news dance.