Yeah, I don't know if they blame you, but I do.

Bailey [to Angela]

Never half ass two things, whole ass one thing.


Holy pickle dicks!


After what we just shared, you would rather stuff chicken into your mouth than lay with your beautiful girlfriend/fiancee?


Dal: Sometimes the hardest thing is to take a leap of faith.
Zero: You want us to jump? I do not think that option is logically sound.
Dal: In outer space, there is no sound.
Zero: Your rebuttal is correct but nonsense.

Olivia: I'm working. I'm gladiating.
Quinn: You're getting your expensive pants dirty. What are you doing here?

Perhaps he does not need me as he means to wed his mother.

Lizzie [about Henry, after hearing Margaret of Anjou has taken the Queen's rooms]

Amelia: Hey um, just confirming, we can't-
Mike: Relax, I'm not gonna say anything, although I don't know why, we're both single and consenting. Ginny's a big girl.
Amelia: She still carries your rookie card and had your poster on her wall.
Mike: Really? She had me on her wall?

Policeman: Well, Mr. Seinfeld, we'll look into it and, uh, we'll let you know if we find anything.
Jerry: Do you ever find anything?
Policeman: No.

Take all the time you want. I'll be here.

Sam [to Annalise]

That's a pretty lame movie of the week you're writing.


Ken Keller's not going to die. Not on my floor and not in my sweats.
