Phil: Life is so unfair.
Jay: Damn right. I just waited in line an hour and a half around the block for a hoagie everybody's talkin' about, then my ex-wife drops dead, and I'm too sad to eat it. Eh, give it another hour.
Gloria: Oh. I'm sooo sorry for your loss, JAY.

There she is. Behind every strong man is a strong, c*nt-faced witch monster.


Brett: We belong together.
Casey: We do.
Brett: We’re right for each other.
Casey: We are.
Brett: When you know, you know.
Casey: You do.
Brett: I’m in love with you.

Matt: Getting caught probably would have been better for them.
Colette: Better how?
Matt: Teach them a lesson. They think they can do whatever they want. Think they can get away with anything.

Miranda: I'm just saying as a lawyer, a partner no less, I got zero dates and as a stewardess, I got one for tomorrow night.
Carrie: I believe the correct term is flight attendant.
Miranda: Not if you wanna get laid.
Samantha; Honey, it doesn't matter what you say you do, it's how you say it. For example; I'm in PR, translation, I give great head.

At this point, my social game is in full effect. I’m going to make sure everyone likes me, and I’m going to charm the pants off them.


Snyder: Ah, Ms. Reizchek. Lovely young woman.
Xander: That's not how I would describe her. Obnoxious, demanding...
Snyder: I thought you said she was your friend.

Alright professor, how do we get rid of the Queen of Hell?


Gary: I was talking about what happened to Peter. Maggie told me.
Sophie: It's crazy, right? When I first heard, I felt he got what he deserved, you know?
Gary: Yeah, I do.
Sophie: But then I realized that if Peter's in a coma, then he didn't hear what I said to him on Maggie's podcast. And the large reason I did the podcast was so that he'd hear me tell the truth. And now I don't know if he ever will. I just wanted him to know that I'm stronger than he is.

Frank: Beautiful day for a party!
Neighbors: It's for kids, Frank. No booze!

Maggie: I told you not to rush in. Now you've made things worse.
Kara: I did what I thought was right.
Maggie: I should have been heard. I should have been listened to. I'm her girlfriend.
Kara: I'm her sister!
Maggie: And you think that trumps me? That you know what's right for her? I got her to be herself, Kara. I have just as much to lose as you do. You should have listened to me.

Malcolm: Wait, JT, Juan Tarmel
JT: Nooooo, but thanks for playing.