We could probably find a million girls with bad dads and Henry would still find a way to screw it up.


Shaun: The surgery isn't guaranteed to help you walk. Why would you risk losing a person who accepts you the way you are? You may not find another one.
Hunter: There are a lot of reasons to marry me, you know. I'm sure there are a lot of reasons to marry you.
Shaun: Yes. I'm organized. I have excellent visual-spatial memory, and Lea says I'm refreshingly honest and fair.

Tommy: Trust my dad to run all the smiles out of the room.
Oliver: He did come by and he did try to act a little "dad like."

Sami: Something weird is going on here.
Lucas: Yeah. We negotiated with a maniac twice that was hired by another maniac to kill us.

You can fool this country you legit, but I know you ain't nothing but a punk ass gangster.

Bunkie [to Lucious]

Tom: Remember last time you were pregnant with twins? Every part of you swelled up. It was like sleeping next to a body they dragged out of the river.
Lynette: You said I was beautiful.
Tom: I had to. You were twice my size.

Sunja: I'm with child. You must say something.
Koh Hansu: Are you sure? Sunja! You bring me my son!
Sunja: You have no way to know it's a boy.
Koh Hansu: But I know it. I'm certain of it.

Lisbon: Its funny how well you two got along.
Jane: Well, I have the same amount of trouble with those pesky quantum lords.

This may be the real thing, capital R, capital T! (Joey stares blankly) Don't worry, those are the right letters!


Catherine: Ralph Lauren adores you.
Nate: Did you hear what I just said?
Catherine: I did. What happened to the money I gave you?
Nate: It's gone, but I can repay you back as soon as our accounts are unfrozen.
Catherine: Which won't be until your father returns from... where was it? Dominica?
Nate: I told you that in confidence!
Catherine: You told me that in bed.

This is the Lazarus Pit.


Lem: Did you disable the camera?
Dr. Bhamba: Did you disable your stupid-question filter?
Lem: I thought I did