Some things you can't forget you've heard. Do you know what menstruation is? I do!


Cane: Good job. Look like you made some friends.
Brayden: I'm not scared of people, Cane. But Trace is. Can we go get him now?
Cane: Yes, Ms. Daisy.

No, you taught me that I need to quit confusing big words and bad denim for life experiences. So, thank you.


Ben, someone's after you.


Oh no, Dick Tracy is trapped in a giant clam! Farewell sweet Dick!


Brenda: David, I want you to be careful here, not start a shootin' match.
Gabriel: I'm with you on that.

Parker: Come on guys, a potato? Oh, (pantomimes and gestures)
Hardison: What is that a bug? No, there's no one listening

Kai: How do you think I feel? I loved her. I married her. The last 12 years of my life have been a lie.
Manfred: At least you get to keep your head.

Maybe going back is just what we all need to move forward.

Tori [to Jennie]

C.C.: Nobody can know we're together. Not even your friend Tracy Jordan out there.
Jack: I don't think you have to worry about Tracy.
Tracy: Stop eating people's old French fries, pigeon! Have some self respect! Don't you know you can fly?

Kevin: I almost drowned! Do you even care? I tried to get to the deep end, but you never watch me me. Don't touch me!
Jack: Watch yourself, pal!
Kevin: You're so busy making sure that Kate's not eating too much and Randall's not too adopted, and meanwhile where's Kevin? Oh. Guess what? He's dead!

Just because I'm pregnant, it doesn't mean I can't do my job.
