I tell other people's stories for a living because I hate telling my own.


You took Emma to get an abortion!


Ryan: Hey, do you mind if I take the lead on this one and then you can critique me after?
Stanley: You want the lead?
Ryan: Yeah, if you don't mind.
Stanley: Mind? Nothing would delight me more.

Everyone dies someday.


Norman: I have reason to believe my mother might be insane and might be killing people.
Dr. Edwards: You know if you make that accusation, I have to report it to the authorities.
Norman: I do.

Rutherford: How come you never tried to take over before?
Young Rutherford: I did, dude! Haven’t you noticed this thing is always bugging out? Your programs turning against you? Behavioral shifts?
Rutherford: I did like pears for a minute.
Young Rutherford: I love pears! That was me trying to get my body back.

Every demon in Hell hates you.


Martha: Jennifer's not your sister.
Philip: No.
Martha: Are you involved with her?
Philip: We've worked together fora long time.
Martha: For who?
Philip: We work for the KGB.

Brooke: Was I sleep fighting again?
Julian: Yes! No more Kick Ass for my wife before bed.

Our every move will be watched, literally, by the Russians. So be careful about what you say, about what you do and who you choose to talk to. That said, this is an historic flight. The opportunity to trail blaze not only for Pan Am but an ongoing relationship with the Soviets.


Of all the crazy things I've ever done, this is the craziest and you're doing it!

Homer [to Marge]

Scola: [Vince] expects you to show fear. He expects to hear it in your voice.
Trevor: That shouldn't be a problem. I feel like I'm about to throw up.