Now if you won’t walk, I shall pick you up and throw you over my shoulder. Do you want me to do that?

Jamie to Claire

Anabelle: You're married, aren't you?
Roger: I am.
Anabelle: Still or again?
Roger: You know it's again. And don't get cute.

Ziva : I would like your permission to travel to Europe to find Bodnar. I have been trying to locate him with the help of McGee and various contacts.
Gibbs: I know.
Ziva: You have known all this time? Then why did...
Gibbs: You needed to be ready to tell me. He's in Rome.
Ziva: That's what I thought too.
Gibbs: What are you waiting for? Take DiNozzo. Go.

My brother, my responsibility.


Cassie: I'm not saying I'm gonna eat all these donuts but I'm definitely gonna eat all these donuts.
Brenda: The curse of giving up booze.
Cassie: You're my sponsor. Say something wise.
Brenda: I thought I was acing recovery once, until I burned my house down.
Cassie: Jesus, Brenda, why does every one of your stories have to end in some horrific trauma?
Brenda: I'm your sponsor because it helps me with my own recovery. If you want to eat the donuts, eat the donuts.

Greg: Tanya, you ate all the macaroons.
Tanya: What macaroons?
Greg: How do you expect to lose weight if you inhale five macaroons and not remember?
Tanya: I only ate three.
Greg: There were five. Did you drink the champagne, too?

Peter: Okay, what's next?
Doctor: This is the Seth Rogen gene. It will give you the appearance of being funny, even though you haven't actually done anything funny.

Don't take this the wrong way but the death of Jane's family made him a better person.


Turk: You know what's the cool thing about this movie? That this could really happen.
Elliot: Which part? The Russians invading Michigan or C. Thomas Howell being a tough guy?
Turk: Both

First rule of social mingling, be self depreciating.


Ted: Dr. Dolittle's desperate, and his poor judgment is going to be the death of us all.
Alaric: We're already dead, Ted!

There's a guy trying out for the track team that is older than the game of poker.
