I didn't know FBI chicks could be so hot.


Ellen: You give me 3 days and I will find the woman you will marry.
Ted: No, thanks. I don't need an algorithm to meet women. It's New York, you know. Plenty of fish in the sea!
Ellen: Plenty of fish in the sea! [grabs a calculator form the desk and starts clicking away] There's 9 million people in New York. 4.5 million women. Of course, you want to meet someone roughly your own age - let's say plus, minus 5 years. So if you take into account the most recent census data that leaves us with 482,000 women. But wait! 48% of those are already in relationships and then you have to eliminate half for intelligence, sense of humor and compatibility. And then you have to take out the ex girlfriends and the relatives. And, oh, you can't forget those lesbians. And then that leaves us with 8 women.
Ted: That can't be right! Eight? Really? Eight?
Ellen: There are 8 fish in that big blue ocean, Ted. And if you feel confident that you can reel one into your boat without me, there's the door.
Ted: Do you take credit cards?

Audrey: I'm fine.
Kirby: Are you sure? Cause I saw the end for you. You and your twin sister go at the same time.

I never forget a gay face. I have what scientists call a homographic memory.


[To Mycroft] I wish it had taken you. The leukemia. I wish it had taken you to the bones.


I'm sorry I'm just a little sensitive to lies right now.


"Wow, that sounds real hot. Here...for Matt. Throw the guy a bone while you're gathering your data."


Heather: Do you believe in anything, Naomi?
Naomi: Well, I believe in Prada. Marrying rich. Dying a divorcee. But who care? We all end up as dust anyways.
Jess: That's bleak.
Naomi: I'm a realist.

I'm a loser. I'm broken. I don't deserve anything. Family. Love. Nobody needs me.


It's like a rich douche convention.

Lexi [to Danny]

Beau: So, really, you're never gonna date a cop again?
Jenny: Why? Would it break your heart?
Beau: Oh, you wish.

Nice try, but you can't Darth Vader me. I'll never join you.
