Eric: What are you going to wear to a Bat Mitzvah, a Knicks jersey?
Turtle: It's formal. I was thinking "home whites"

Wow. Either I'm way out of practice or you have a weird mouth.


I understand checks, it's just the balances I have trouble with.


Christina: Ok, you look like...
Ron: What?

I'm sure he'll offer a fair reward...and then we'll make him double it! Well, why can't I be greedy once in a while?


There are always options.


I’ve fought my battles. It’s taken a long journey to get this freakin’ happy and it’s not worth going back.


You're here. I can't know who you are. I'd give anything to see your face... to know your name. But you can't protect us if we know who you are. I understand that now.


Janine: We're setting him up to be the best he can be. And you know, we're a team.
Cassanda: We're not a team. And I don't see how he could be the best student that he could be with a teacher like you.

Dracula: There's one monster who loves you for who you really are. And here he stands. I don't want to make you good. I don't want you to be normal. I don't want you to be anything but who you truly are. You have tried for so long to be what everyone wants you to be. What you thought you ought to be. What your church and your family and your doctors said you must be. Why not be who you are instead?
Vanessa: Myself.
Dracula: You will never be alone again. I will love you til time has lost all meaning.
Vanessa: Yes.
Dracula: Do you accept me?
Vanessa: I accept... myself.

Gail: You want me to call wheel transport?
Dov: No, I'll just take your broomstick.

Wren: My family has issues too.
Spencer: Oh really, like what? Did someone spread their butter with a steak knife?