Ace: Bobby told me the doctor gave him some bad news?
Crystal: The good news is just going to be delayed a bit longer.

Ace: Jack, the worst thing that ever happened to me happened today.
Jack: Worse than when dad shot himself?
Ace: Second worst. An old guy threw shit at me — into my mouth. I gagged, swallowed some. Horrifying. Giggle if you want to, but the old me would have hit the guy. Wham. Today? Time slowed down. Jack, I’m tellin’ ya. The Condamned has given me access to some self connected self awareness. Challenges like this are normal. Without challenges, how do we know we are growin’?

Ace: It’s weird havin’ people actually like you.
Jack: Someday, you’ll have to let me know how that feels.

I come to you a damned soul in search of redemption. I will break free. I will not stop until my redemption is obtained. I am The Condamned.

The Condemned

Jack: You’re lookin’ kind of banged up.
Ace: You’re looking kind of fuck you. Never again.

Jack: When Bill came to you with that big-time contract offer, I was stunned.
Ace: I wasn’t.
Jack: Not because I don’t realize how great you are, but because I’d come to rely on your talent, your persona.
Ace: It’s dynamic.
Jack: DWL was working, and I could see our shared future together, and then Bill showed up with a golden ticket just for you. I was not prepared for that. You were gonna take your talents elsewhere.
Ace: Just like LeBron, mother fucker.
Jack: When that happened, that, that threw me. I guess it kinda — well, I don’t guess — it knocked me down. I was gutted. Then I was embarrassed that I wasn’t offering’ up congratulations to you. And whether that was desperation or envy or both, what I am sure of is that I-
Ace: Humiliated me.
Jack: I used what I knew as your brother, things only a brother would know, to push your buttons.
Ace: That you did.
Jack: Then, instead of ownin’ up to that like a decent person, I told myself that it was for your own good.

Ace: Jack, you know what I realized on this trip? After several disturbing interactions? I’m not good at making’ new friends. I haven’t made a new friend in years. Makin’ friends was never hard because I was always a part of a team. I had like insta-friends, guys I met through sports. Everyone kind of had to be my friend.
Jack: That’s not true.
Ace: Don’t tell me that. I do bad shit. I say dumb things. I do dumb things. I broke Bobby’s leg. I left the DWL because no one really likes me. I’m gone because any other promotion would have run me out of town.
Jack: We’re not any other promotion.
Ace: But the worst thing I’ve done? The worst thing I’ve done is I told you you were gonna stay in Duffy and kill yourself like Dad.
Jack: That’s forgotten.
Ace: I’m remindin’ you. I’m that guy. I’m the guy who said that. What kind of guy says that to his brother? Me.
Jack: It’s in the past. Don’t matter.
Ace: Everything that came to me after that statement, I set in motion.
Jack: That’s not true.
Ace: Yes, it is. And yeah, you were kinda dickish about the belt, but I didn’t have to say that, and yet I did. I did it because I’m a selfish fuck who was praised his whole life for sports, and now that sports are over, I don’t know what the fuck to do when I don’t get it.

Ace: You were never a bad big brother. Only lately. I’m not a good guy who deserves a great brother anyway. I’m a shitheap all of my own.
Jack: No, you’re not.
Ace: Then you don’t know me very well.
Jack: I know the heart of you. Good uncle, teammate, friend.
Ace: Jack, I’m not a good guy. Farthest thing from it.
Jack: These people loved you before I turned you into a heel. Let me help make it right.

Jack: Dad killin’ himself fucked me up more than I care to admit. More than I thought. I loved him so much. I hated him so much. And I glossed over all that ‘cause I couldn’t change it. The love, the hate, the way he was, the way he wasn’t, the way he went out. You and me are trying to survive after finding out Spade men aren’t supposed to survive. We’re supposed to come home and blow our heads out on the back porch and let our sons clean us up.
Ace: Oh, God. That’s terrible, Jack. That’s-
Jack: I am truly sorry for the way that I treated you. Please come home and give me the chance to be a great brother to you.

Employee: Hey, I just want to make sure you know what you’re doin’ up there. I mean, you’re askin’ me about the efficacy of a raincoat.
Ace: This, this particular raincoat.
Employee: Raincoats always work, man. That’s why they’re raincoats.
Ace: Do you sell tents?
Employee: [rubs his eyebrows] Oh my God.

Ace: Hey, here. I don’t know why I did that.
Man: I do. Ya feel the world owes it to you. So, you keep it.

Jack: I don’t know how you picked all that up in a week. There are wrestlers who work that their entire careers don’t tap into what you just did. You got it.
Ace: Thanks for sayin’ that, Jack.
Jack: It’s not stupid.
Ace: Say again?
Jack: This is not a stupid thing, this thing. This is an amazing thing. The fraternity and the camaraderie; it’s so far from a stupid thing.
Ace: I agree.
Jack: We should keep doin’ it.
Ace: You serious?
Jack: We should make this into what it could have been, what we just proved it can be if we work together. We can pull this off. We just have to, we’re gonna have to work hard, trust, grant, have each other’s backs.
Ace: Remember when we’d fight as kids, and Dad would make us shake hands and say that?
Jack: Yeah, maybe we should have said it before we fought. Stop the fightin’ upfront.
Jack & Ace: I got your back, brother. [they laugh]

Heels Quotes

Jack: That's not fair. You put sex on my mind before church. How dare you?
Staci: Well, after church we can go see a movie. I'll leave my underwear in the car.

Ace: What? You made cuz I said fuck? They loved it!
Jack: We got kids who come to the show, Ace.
Ace: Yeah. To see me! I mean, listen to that!
Jack: When you're in the ring, you stick to my script.
Ace: Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! You hear that?