You're not gonna play that religious card again are you?

It gets old being with the same person all the time.

Ricky: Ben doesn't hate me. He's my friend. Why would he hate me?
Adrian: Are you kidding? You just married the woman he loves.

You're like the boy who cried wolf too many times.

Jealousy uses a lot more energy.

Don't go. This is what girlfriends do, talk about guys!

Oh I forgot, my ex husband called you a pervert.

That's exactly what she did. She did the right thing and now she's stuck.

Adrian: Why can you not accept that you need help?
Jack: Why can't anyone accept the fact that I don't need help when I've got all the help I need in Jesus Christ our lord.

We're in the middle of a life changing conversation and you're going to take a phone call!?

Listen to me and I don't say this because we were all hot for each other for a few years, I say this because we're friends. Don't marry that girl.

Adrian: How did we get more interested in guys than ourselves.
Grace: Sex?