George: How's Izzie?
Alex: Good.
George: Is her BP stable? If she's hypotensive she really shouldn't go to the wedding.
Alex: You let me worry about Izzie.
George: Alright. Do you have anything for us?
Alex: Anything good?
Callie: Nope. It's slow.
Alex: You don't say it's a slow day in the pit.
George: You never say it's slow! You just jinxed us.
Callie: It's a day, and it's slow.
Alex: Well, when that phone starts ringing with trauma's, you're gonna wish you hadn't said that.
Callie: (laughing) The phones not gonna ring, it's a slow day. (The phone rings) Go for seattle grace emergency.
George: I'll get the trauma gowns.
Callie: CRAP! CRAP CRAP! Incoming!

Alex: Can you even see me?
Meredith: Yeah, and you look like a real moron. I need a real eye doctor.

Alex: Dudes. The patient can see you giggling over here like schoolgirls. Enough wise cracks.
Ryan: Cracks!

Surgeons are all messed up. We're butchers, messed up knife happy butchers. We cut people up, we move on. Patients die on our watch, we move on. We cause trauma, we suffer trauma. We don't have time to worry about all the blood and death and crap it really makes us feel.

Dr. Perkins: Why did you walk away?
Alex: Look life is too short. I almost died trying to stop that guy. Besides, you know how much tail you get offered when you're carrying a bullet in your chest. It's like I'm a legend.
Dr. Perkins: Are you always this crass or is that a defense mechanism?
Alex: I've had too much crazy for one lifetime.

Meredith: I thought you were in surgery.
Alex: It got pulled though. Is Lexie okay?
Meredith: Why don't you ask her yourself.
Alex: She doesn't need me talking to her.
Meredith: Well, you're the one who ended it.
Alex: It ended the way it always ends. I get close to a chick and the chick goes crazy. Rebecca, then Izzie, my mom. The lightening rod's less crap.
Meredith: You're not that special. Lexie's not crazy. Sure a crazy thing happened to her, but her reaction was pretty normal and Izzie had brain cancer. Rebecca, she was crazy, but that was the facial reconstruction drama. You're not a lightening rod Alex, you're just a guy that's been through a lot of crap. (Looks at Alex's bullet) Wish I had a scalpel.
Alex: Junkie.

Miranda: Dr. Karev. What time is it?
Alex: Tomorrow. His insurance expired.

Izzie: Maybe he just cares about his son but the moron is too emotionally stunted to let him.
Alex: See, this, this right here is your problem. You get all wrapped up and involved and you start caring about these people! Your patient in there? He's the moron. His son's never gonna give him what he wants and he's just gonna be disappointed! And the sooner he gets that the sooner you get it, and ...
Izzie: No, go on please. Be a selfish ass. Because then at least I know what to expect. This whole 'be a nice guy one minute and a total jerk the next' is getting really. Old. Alex. So who's it gonna be? Pick. One.

Meredith: Nice pin.
Cristina: His name's Mr Bear. He eats children.
Meredith: Not having fun in peds?
Cristina: Well, my kid wants chocolate pudding really badly. This is the last one.
Alex: My triple A got canceled. You guys got any surgeries I can get in on?
Meredith: Well, I'm on post op's, and she's baby sitting.
Cristina: No, I can't stand it any longer. Can't you go to the Chief and use your dead mommy connections to get some answers?
Meredith: We don't need dead mommy. We are going to be fine.
Lexie: Ok, so I let a crazy man escape and he fell down a flight of stairs.
Alex: Is it surgical?

Alex: A deer?
Izzie: We have to move.

Look, I am sorry we've been tip toeing around you all day trying not to make jokes, but you are the one who's got to stop. Stop calling yourself the fat guy. You've got a wife that loves you - that stuck by you through all of this. You did something right to deserve that. Look, I know what it's like to have life hand you so much crap that you just want to sit on the couch and die, but you got to look at what's in front of you. You can't just walk out on her now. She deserves better. Chances are you are gonna die on that table, then you get what you want. But, at least your wife will think you tried. She will tell your kid that you tried. Give them that at least.

Jake: What would you do?
Alex: If it was my arm and I couldn't operate anymore, I'd do everything I could to keep it.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
