Lastly, you'll hear how police found the defendant's gardening gloves in her garage with Mitchell Bondurant's blood on the gloves she used to murder him, blood that could have only been from that murder. As I said, it's simple. The facts don't lie. Now, defense counsel will try to paint the defendant as an upstanding member of her community, a victim of gentrification who was harassed by Mitchell Bondurant. All I would say to that is don't be fooled. Don't be fooled by the calm expression, the crisp white blouse, the manicured nails. Don't be fooled by all the red herrings and smoke and mirrors. Defense counsel will put on a good show. That's all it is. A show. Because he has no answers to the evidence we will present, and in the end, his shiny bag of tricks does not erase the fact that Mitchell Bondurant was brutally and violently murdered. And the woman who murdered him is sitting right there.

Andrea: What about a spider?
Dr Arslanian: A spider?
Andrea: You know, lowering itself from its web. You see something out of the corner of your eye or feel something on your head, and instinctively…It's possible, isn't it?

Unlike Alex Grant, Lisa Trammell had the motive, the means, and the opportunity to commit murder. Unlike Alex Grant, Lisa Trammell repeatedly made damning, even threatening, statements to and about the victim. In fact, her conduct was so threatening that it forced Mitchell Bondurant to take out a restraining order against her. But, of course a restraining order only works if the person being restrained chooses to obey it. Just like a magic trick only works if the audience allows themselves to be fooled. Don't let yourselves be fooled. See through Mr. Haller's parlor tricks. See through them…to the truth.

Mickey: You know, Andy, um, you're a damn good lawyer.
Andrea: Thank you, Haller. So are you.

Well, that was quite a performance, wasn't it? Mr. Haller pulled out all the stops. I mean, a dog and pony show. He could give the magicians in Las Vegas a run for their money. But, just like a magician, all the defense is trying to do is distract you. That's all they've got. Now, Mr. Haller wants you to believe that just because a man named Alex Grant has a questionable family history, that makes him a killer. Or that he had a vague business dispute with Mr. Bondurant, and that was motive for murder. Or maybe he doesn't actually care if you believe those things or not. Maybe he's just happy if it diverts your attention from the facts because the facts of this case are immutable. The murder weapon was not Alex Grant's bloody hammer. That belonged to the defendant, Lisa Trammell. The gloves we found with Mitchell Bondurant's blood on them, again Lisa Trammell's.

Members of the jury, good morning. My name is Deputy District Attorney Andrea Freeman, and I'm here today to speak on behalf of someone who can't. The hard-working, successful man who helped build this city we call home and employed thousands of people along the way, Mitchell Bondurant. I'm here to tell you about the last brutal, violent moments of his life and about the person who ended it. The defendant, Lisa Trammel. Now the facts of this case. They're simple. The defendant and Mr. Bondurant were in a dispute. A dispute which forced Mr. Bondurant to take out a restraining order against the defendant because of her continued harassment. On the morning of the murder, after visiting a nearby farmers market, the defendant entered a local coffee shop near the victim's office, where she saw Mr. Bondurant getting a cup of coffee. The evidence will show that she then left the coffee shop, hurried to his parking garage, and hid behind a pillar, knowing he'd be arriving soon. There, she waited for him, slipping on a pair of gloves to make sure she didn't leave any fingerprints. And when Mr. Bondurant finally arrived and got out of his car, she viciously attacked him from behind, bludgeoning him over the head with a blunt instrument. Beating him literally to death. The evidence will show how the defendant hated Mr. Bondurant, how she stalked him, and how on the day of the murder, she entered his parking garage with the motive, the means, and the opportunity to kill.

The Lincoln Lawyer Quotes

Mickey: Russell?What the fuck are you doing here?
Russell: I didn't wanna break another window, so I hopped the fence. I gotta say, today was amazing. I mean, I know you're good, but that was… [kisses] …something else.
Mickey: I don't know what you want, exactly, but--
Russell: Okay. You should probably hear me out. After all, you are my attorney. Paid an extra retainer to make sure of that, so I think that I probably want what any client wants, Mickey. I want your expert legal help. Being a lawyer, it comes with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, doesn't it? Like, the duty of confidentiality. That's the big one, right? The one where anything I say becomes our little secret, and you can't tell anybody, especially not the police. So, Martha Renteria had it coming. That bitch got exactly what she deserved. And then someone else went down for it, and he's about to go down for it again. But the best part is, now,bthere's nothing you can do about it.

I know what you're thinking. "The parking garage? Again?"
