This could kill me. We’ve only been in business for eight months. How could anyone even think this?

Darby: Who else would have done this? Do you have a rival or a jealous ex? Did you have a major falling out with someone that I don’t know about for some weird reason?
Antonio: Wait. I know someone who might hate me enough to do this.

Zane: You really thought I wouldn’t learn about the deep fake? And now I’m guessing the same person is trying to ruin your credibility with rat infestation?
Antonio: I think so. I’m sorry.
Zane: Why would you hide this? I’m not going to start with you two.

Antonio: This was all a huge mistake.
Zane: Keeping the truth from me was a mistake. But the bistro is your dream. I love that you’re ambitious and take risks, though I might be reconsidering that.

The Spencer Sisters Quotes

Victoria: The prodigal daughter returns. But why do you look like a long-haul trucker?
Darby (to herself): Brand new record.

You couldn’t solve a crime if you committed it yourself, and if you stopped taking leadership packs from the Don Draper School of Management, you would recognize that I’m a better detective than he’ll ever be! I quit!
