Robin: You wanna dance? Let's dance.
Barney: I live for the dance
Robin: Get your other hand, off my ass.
Barney: Sorry, sorry.

Barney: I don't come here that often
Waitress: Hey Barney, here's your usual and I'll send you your other usual when she's done stretching
Barney: Thank you kindly, stranger

Marshall: Oh you're wearing a flower.
Barney: Thank You!
Marshall: I didn't compliment, just observed.

The only reason to wait a month for sex is if she's 17 years, 11 months old

This better be good. I'm about to enter Nirvana. By the way I should get you Nirvana's phone number, she gives a great massage. Say whaaaat

Want to come to my house and play telephone? I've got the string you've got the cans.

[Barney is stripping down...]
Robin: What the hell are you doing?
Barney: I'm birthday suiting up!

And firing half my department freed up the money to double my own salary, and this chick from Boston was wicked hot in bed last night, and I'm getting more muscular even though I've stopped working out, and I have this amazing poker group, and I smell incredible, just, here, seriously smell me.

Ted, my boy...It's gonna be legen...wait for it...[credits roll]

Check it, I just drove a Pedi cab 26 blocks and I still smell incredible.

Robin: You are gonna love Kelly, she's fun, she's smart, she lives in the moment..
Barney: Translation: She's ugly, she's ugly, she ugs in the ugly.
Robin: Oh, and she's totally hot!

Dude your views on professional fornicators are harshing my mellow