This phone is cursed - cursed I tell you.

Magic phone guys - magic phone.

I've enlisted Ranjit's services as my personal driver because for the next week I'll be sleeping with hundreds of women and I don't want to take the subway because, you know - germs.

Keep your eyes peeled for a red sweater. Based on her texts, she's dirty, dyslexic, and wants to 96 me.

Jim, there's nothing routine about the way I get down.

Barney's boss: I know this week has been tough on you.
Barney: I barely slept.

Thanks Jim, I couldn't have done it without my teammates.

Whatever girl I'm pointing to right now - I am going home with her tonight.

That woman nursing a Black Russian is about to chase it with a White American!

Barney: And there's about to be one more story - I'm gonna bang Jenkins.
Ted: Wait you want to have sex with Jenkins?
Barney: With Jenkins, on Jenkins, near Jenkins - you name it. I wanna wear Jenkins like a sock.

(about picking world peace over his suits) I'm gonna stop you right there. It's the suits. Come on, Lily, get your head out of your ass.

To score would be just fine, but I would rather be dressed to the nines.