Chandler: So you make life-and-death decisions all day for a living.
Bash: I guess we both do.

Chandler: Do these things get to you or are you pretty numb by now?
Bash: You find ways to compartmentalize.

Chandler: What do you say to a person like that, to convince someone to want to help himself?
Bash: I say what I always end up saying to people when they lose hope: It's never too late to start again.

Mags: So you just answer any question he asks?
Bash: And be as transparent as I can.
Mags: Your favorite way to be.

Theo: It seemed tense in there.
Bash: Novak's just on edge because Devi's trying to rein him in.
Theo: She's still licking her wounds. That is crossfire you want to avoid.

Chandler: Bashir, this isn't an interrogation. If your case didn't have merit, you wouldn't have made it to this point.
Bash: But many applicants become citizens without being asked to do this kind of interview. So for some people, this is as far as they get.

Bash: I shouldn't have lost my temper.
Theo: You're allowed to be upset when something you care about breaks.

Mags: I'm suggesting patience.
Bash: You're suggesting I do nothing.
Mags: No, not nothing. Just take time. Get perspective.

Bash: [Karim] has a very sneaky way of getting me to spill.
Mags: Well, you can tell him if he needs some pointers, um, I don't have any.

Kamir: She is really belting. Yeah, you must be doing something right to instill this type of confidence.
Bash: Look, I don't think her copying my digital signature for her school application without telling me counts as something right.

Bash: Mags, should you be doing this?
Mags: Yeah, over my 10-pound limit but you know.
Bash: Well, when they fall, we catch them.

Bash: You're right. It did get personal.
Esfahani: I know it did, Bashir.
Bash: So, do you think you could help me?

Transplant Quotes

Bashir: Thanks for that. He's taking everything I say the wrong way.
Magalie: What does he think you did?
Bashir: At this point, maybe planning 9/11....but I didn't

Uncle: You're a hero
Bashir: People in this country might not agree.