My uncle does love his bastard son. Should he lose a second son, there will be hell to pay.

Prince Viktor

Sean Renard: Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin, this is Elizabeth LaSalle. My mother.
Hank Griffin: [surprised] Oh.
Nick Burkhardt: Hi.
Sean Renard: ...She's had a little work done.

Sean Renard: I suppose that's the second time you've given me life.
Elizabeth Lascelles: It hurt a lot more the first time.

Elizabeth Lascelles: So I'm a grandmother!
Sean Renard: Not that you look it.

[to Nick] It's good to have you back.

Renard: Now, my motivation here is simply to protect my child, and I don't want my mother to kill your mother.
Nick: And I don't want *my* mother to kill *your* mother.

Wu: Are you...?
Renard: You don't wanna go there.

Juliette: Did I do that? I didn't do that. Did I?
Renard: I believe you did.

Hank: You ate her cookie.
Wu: I did?
Nick: Yeah. That's why you ate your carpet.
Wu: ...Oh.

This is familiar. Reminds me of when my brother Eric came to town. Did you, um, ever find his killer?

Juliette: Is there *anything* comforting in all of this?!
Renard: Well, you do have abilities that defy explanation. How you learn to use them will determine what you become. You're more than I'll ever be. The way this happened to you, you're one of a kind. Now, I don't know what that means ultimately.
Juliette: So, what you're saying is I'm going to have to wing it.
Renard: Don't we all.

Renard: Rats dine on beloved teacher.
Nick: That's a little cold.
Hank: Guess who came to dinner.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
