Jackie: You guys get together every week to eat and fight. You sure you're not Italian?
Danny: Nope Irish. We just drink a little more.

After this week there's not a person at this table who thinks they could ever be too overprotective.

You have the right to remain silent so why don't you shut the hell up.

Great News. Our only witness is a towel.

Danny: What did you tell her, Mom? That all of us cops are stupid and you're such a genius?
Erin: Yeah, basically.

Look at how fast your hearts pumping. I think you might be our grand prize winner.

Frank: Be careful. If he's anything like his old man...
Danny: If I'm anything like my old man, he's the one that better be careful.

Danny: The good son, huh?
Kevin: There's one in every Irish family.
Danny: True.

Hey Dad. The Batmobile just showed up.

Erin: We're making a condolence call to Anne Cleary.
Danny: Slash reinterview. Erin's my beard.

Jackie: Do you Reagans ever take a day off?
Danny: Not if we can help it.

If you guys aren't going prosecute these people we might as well shoot them in the street.