Assistant District Attorney Erin Reagan. You know why she's here? To keep me from snapping your neck.

Baez: Why don't people get killed in high end spas or nice handbag stores:
Danny: What fun would that be?

Baez: She said no, huh?
Danny: Of course she said no, it's her favorite word.

Danny: Can't save everyone.
Jamie: We can try.

I'll be discreet, I promise. I left my bullhorn and machine gun in the car.

Baez: Everything okay?
Danny: Nothing is.

For him moving on is going to be less like letting go and more like letting go of an arm or a leg. If he needs our support he's going to need our support to let go. Support is only worth what it costs you to give it.

Linda: Hey, how was your day.
Danny: Same as usual. Ridding the city from the forces of evil.

Danny: You're like the pope of cops.
Jamie: You're infallible.

This thing is going to haunt you until you put it down.

Ok, is there anyone here who didn't kill him?

You're the best cop I know, alright, and you can teach him things that I can't.