Dean: So, how are you liking Moby Dick?
Rory: Oh, it's really good.
Dean: Yeah?
Rory: Yeah, it's my first Melville.
Dean: Cool.
Rory: I mean, I know it's kind of clich to pick Moby Dick as your first Melville but hey, how did you know I was reading Moby Dick?
Dean: Uh, well, I've been watching you.
Rory: Watching me?
Dean: I mean, not in a creepy, like, "I'm watching you" sort of way. I just - I've noticed you.
Rory: Me?
Dean: Yeah.
Rory: When?
Dean: Every day. After school you come out and you sit under that tree there and you read. Last week it was Madame Bovary. This week it's Moby Dick.
Rory: But why would you
Dean: Because you're nice to look at, and because you've got unbelievable concentration.
Rory: What?
Dean: Last Friday these two guys were tossing around a ball and one guy nailed the other right in the face. I mean, it was a mess, blood everywhere, the nurse came out, the place was in chaos, his girlfriend was all freaking out, and you just sat there and read. I mean, you never even looked up. I thought, "I have never seen anyone read so intensely before in my entire life. I have to meet that girl."
Rory: Maybe I just didn't look up because I'm unbelievably self-centered.
Dean: Maybe, but I doubt it.
Rory: So did I ask you if you like cake?
Dean: Yeah, ya did.
Rory: Oh, because they have really good cake back there. (Dean laughs)

Dean: My family just moved here from Chicago.
Rory: Chicago? Windy. Oprah.

Rory: So do you like cake?
Dean: What?
Rory: They make really good cakes here. They're very... round.
Dean: Okay, I'll remember that.
Rory: Good. Make a note. You wouldn't want to forget where the round cakes are (gets a did-i-just-say-that look on her face).

(Rory opens Babette's front door, Dean comes in)
Dean: Oh hi! I wasn't expecting you.
Rory: Or me you. I mean, you me. I mean, come on in you.

Dean: Hey, uh, do you have a second?
Rory: No, I have gum.
Dean: No, thanks. Uh, look...
Rory: I have to get back.
Dean: Oh. Ok, uh sure. I'll see you later...

Dean: Well, I've been kind of bugging you lately. Uh, I thought -- I don't know -- I thought that maybe you liked me. But it's obvious that you're not interested so I just wanted to say that I get it and I'm not gonna bother you anymore.
(Dean starts to leave, Rory gets up to follow him)
Rory: Wait! I am interested.
Dean: You are?
Rory: Yes. I gotta go.

Lorelai: Hi, I'm back. Rory went to wash her face.
Dean: Oh okay.
(silence between them for a little bit and Lorelai pauses the movie)
Lorelai: Dean, I don't know exactly how to say this, but um this is a very different kind of household you walked into tonight.
Dean: Yeah, I know.
Lorelai: See, Rory is my daughter.
Dean: Ahh, here comes the talk.
Lorelai: How 'bout I talk, you listen? Rory is a smart kid and she's never been much for guys, so that fact that she likes you means a lot. I don't believe she'd waste her time with some loser.
Dean: But you're watching me?
Lorelai: Sweetheart, the whole town is watching you. That girl in there is beloved around here. You hurt her, there's not a safe place within one hundred miles for you to hide. This is a very small, weird place you've moved to.
Dean: I've noticed.
Lorelai: So, just know all eyes are on you.
Dean: (waits a second) Anything else?
Lorelai: She's not going on your motorcycle.
Dean: I don't have a motorcycle.
Lorelai: She's not going on your motorcycle.
Dean: Fine, she won't go on my motorcycle.
Lorelai: Curfew will be enforced, you will not detract from her schoolwork, and you're gonna start handling those lemons better--
Dean: What?
Lorelai: Dont' interrupt me when I'm speaking. I reserve the right to change, alter, tweak or add to this list of rules at any given time without any written notice, am I clear?
Dean: You're clear.
Lorelai: (nods her head) Good.
Dean: My turn to speak?
Lorelai: (gets a shocked look on her face) Fine, go ahead.
Dean: You can lay on all the rules you want and you can have the whole town spy on me and, and stare at me and chase me through the streets--
Lorelai: Ahh, I like the chasing through the streets idea.
Dean: But, I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere.
Lorelai: Well it's gonna be a short chase then, isn't it?
Dean: I need you not to hate me. If you hate me, then I don't have a shot in hell with Rory.
Lorelai: Rory has her own mind.
Dean: Yeah, but you're her best friend and what you think means everything to her and you know that.
Lorelai: (her face softens) I wanna like you, because Rory likes you.
Dean: But you don't.
Lorelai: I want too. And I usually get what I want.
Dean: Fair enough (Lorelai resumes the movie). She's taking a long time on her face.
Lorelai: Yeah, well, Rory's a perfectionist.

Rory: That's my mom!
Dean: She's got energy.
Rory: Yeah, well, she's 90 percent water, 10 percent caffeine.

Rory: Are you my boyfriend?
Dean: In the broadest sense of the word way?
Rory: No, in the real, 'Hi, this is Dean, my boyfriend' kind of way.
Dean: Well, I am if you want me to be

Dean: You said 'boyfriend'.
Rory: No! I just meant boyfriend in the sense that the whole defending me thing was very boyfriendy, but only in the broadest sense of the word, which doesn't even apply at all here.

Dean:He has a thing for you.
Rory:No he doesn't. It's just a game to him or something
Dean:He has a thing for you.
Rory:He does nothing but insult me and make me miserable.
Dean:He has a thing for you.

Rory: God! You're like Ruth Gordon just standing there with the tannis root. Make a noise.
Dean: Rosemary's Baby.
Rory: Yeah.
Dean: Well, that's a great movie. You've got good taste. Are you moving?
Rory: No, just my books are.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
