Is it July yet because I need a whole new crop of residents.

Lexie: Mark's in love.
Derek: The eye doctor? That should last 48 hours.

Meredith didn't want kids and I pushed her and now I feel like I did this to her.

You are so sexy when you are looking at a teratoma.

Derek: Come back to me.
Meredith: What's to miss in Neuro?
Derek: Me.

He's happy with the eyeball doctor. So make sure you want him because you want him and not because he's with someone else.

When did I become the advice columnist?

Meredith: We're staying.
Derek: We're going.

Derek: You are making this decision with Cristina.
Meredith: She's not the only factor.
Derek: You should be making this decision with me, your husband.

How's Julia? You impregnate her yet?

Mark can buy it. His dreams have always been my dreams.

Cristina: What's the t-shirt for?
Derek: I'm going to scream alot, probably pass out.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
