With you or without you, I'm moving on. I don't know if I can do it without you. Will you help me?

Megan: Don, I love you. You're everything I hoped you'd be.
Don: You too.

Sally: Who's Dick?
Don: Well... that's me. That's my nickname sometimes.

Don: You don't know anything about me.
Megan: But I do. I know that you have a good heart. And I know that you're always trying to be better.
Don: We all try. We don't always make it. I've done a lot of things.
Megan: I know who you are now.

I don't know what it is about you, but I feel like myself when I'm with you. But the way I always wanted to feel, because I'm in love with you Megan, and I think I have been for a while.

Peggy: Ted told me I have to fill out my own performance review.
Don: I guess he respects your opinion.
Peggy: I'm tired of this.
Don: I'd start with that.

I want you at work, because I want you.

Roger: What else is there?
Don: I don't know. Life being lived? I'd like to stop talking about it and get back to it

Megan: You should slow down.
Don: I'm timing this for when we arrive. I wanna hit the doorbell with my chin.

Pete: Brave words from a man on his second time around.
Don: Yeah, and if I had met her first I would've known not to throw it away.

Betty: I liked your girl Peggy. She's fresh.
Don: As the driven snow.

Megan: Didn't you notice she touched you six times in an hour?
Don: She's French.