Donna: This whole divorce thing could actually work to my advantage.
Jackie: Exactly!
Donna: Yeah... I just have to make it very clear that my love is contingent on how much they buy me!
Jackie: Why am I even talking to you about this? You have a great handle on it.

So, my parents are, like, fighting all the time, and they want me to choose sides. But I can't, because they're both idiots.

Donna: Excuse me, Jackie, when exactly did you lose your soul?
Jackie: Um, cheerleading camp.

Eric: I killed her. She was old, and the shock of her grandson telling her that she was nasty killed her.
Donna: Have you talked to Red about this?
Eric: I'm not talking to my dad about this. Do you remember how angry he got when I didn't rake the yard? And this is like, twice as bad!

(sitting atop the water tower)
Jackie: Oh my god. From up here, Point Place looks just like Paris.
Donna: You think that looks like Paris? No wonder you think Kelso could be a model.
Kelso: Whoa! I could so be a model.

(after Eric tells Donna he saw his parents having sex)
Donna: I could remember like little bits of naked skin peeking through the holes of the hammock.
Eric: Wow. It's weird but knowing what you went through just makes me feel so much better 'cause you're like totally over it, aren't you?
Donna: And later they came inside and they had like this checkerboard pattern all over their arms and legs! And my dad laughed and said they fell asleep on the hammock. But I knew it was a lie. I knew what he did to my mom!

Donna: Just because a guy pays attention to me, does not mean he wants to get me naked!
Eric: Oh, grow up!
Donna: Is that why you paid attention to me?
Eric: Of course!...not! Of course not! I love your mind. That's the thing I love.

Donna: Remember when you beat him up on the playground?
Eric: I kicked his ass.
Jackie: Wait. Wasn't he the kid with scoliosis and asthma?
Eric: Yep. And I kicked his ass.

Donna: So, what do you guys wanna do when you grow up?
Eric: Um, not touch dead people. Ever.

Donna: I have to go to the bathroom. Jackie?
Jackie: Oh my God, Donna, you have never asked me to go to the bathroom with you before!
Donna: Yeah, it's a big day.

Eric: I had a nice discussion with Red and Kitty about foreplay.
Donna: I'm really sorry Eric.
Eric: Yeah, me too.

Jackie: So Donna, tell me more about this pill. Does it do anything weird to your hair?
Donna: Only above your lip.

That 70's Show Quotes

Eric: If my dad catches me copping beers he'll kill me.
Hyde: I'm willing to take that risk.

Kitty: Well, the kids are off. I wonder where they went.
Red: Out of town.
Kitty: How do you know?
Red: I told them not to.