Dr. Wilson: The other wow. You were sober. She was sober.
House: Clean and sober and hot.
Dr. Wilson: Wow! This is fantastic. How are you gonna screw it up?

House: Admit it - you're curious why I want to make her angry.
Dr. Wilson: I'm sure it's convoluted, wrong, and stupid.

Dr. Wilson: Why is it always reasonable in Houseland to take an emotional problem and sidestep it by turning it into a mechanical problem?
House: Because in Houseland - and the rest of the universe, by the way - when a question presents itself, it calls for an answer.

How hard are you trying not to make a ball joke right now?

Wilson: Is that my laundry?
House: You were running out of socks for me to borrow.

Wilson: You said it was keeping your mind off the pain.
House: That was before I discovered the Biggest Loser marathon on cable. I like to pretend they can see me eating.

Wilson: Did you even go to bed last night?
House: Bed is for sissies, unless you're having sex. In which case.. no, bed is still for sissies.

It's easy to be nice to people you like. Being nice to people you hate, that's a skill.

Thirteen: Thanks.
Dr. Wilson: You're welcome. For what?
Thirteen: For thinking I was worth breaking the law to keep around.
Dr. Wilson: That's just the way I am. But still don't now what you're talking about.

House: I just dozed off in front of the TV.
Wilson: With bedding?
House: Maybe!

House: You didn't tell me you were giving a paper.
Dr. Wilson: And that is wrong?
House: Last time you presented a paper, you gave me an advance paper and asked for feedback.
Dr. Wilson: And you're wondering why I wouldn't want to repeat that experience?

Dr. Cuddy: And is there a paternity bet on the father of the patient?
House: Doesn't sound like me.
Dr. Wilson: Well, it does, actually, but doesn't mean you're guilty.

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy