Hank: Our bodies were run over.
Monroe: Well, I guess that's a sacrifice you have to make when you don't have a cliff.

Rosalee [Monroe is working on a self-winding watch]: Well, I'm going to bed, and unless you join me in the next few minutes, you're going to be the one who's self-winding tonight!
Monroe: ...and I'm done!

Well, electable or not, none of *us* are voting for him tomorrow! [Everyone stares at him.] ...just for the record...

Monroe [about Renard]

Monroe: This is our *home*! We're letting those *idiots* rule our lives!
Rosalee: I know! But getting yourself killed is not making our lives any better, thank you very much!

The only thing we can do for Nick is get out of here so we can come back and kill every last one of those bastards!

Wu: Ummm… that looks like you were shot.
Monroe: More than once!
Wu: ...You’re not a ghost, are you?
Nick [hesitates]: I don't think so...

Trubel [they're surrounded by SWAT]: Let’s take ‘em on.
Monroe: Rosalee’s pregnant!
Rosalee: Monroe!
Monroe: Sorry.
Trubel: Whoah, you’re pregnant?
Bud: Right now?! Oh, my God, that’s wonderful!

Monroe: So we just open up shop, act like nothing’s wrong?
Rosalee: Or keep it closed, act like we’re paranoid?
Monroe: Well, *aren’t* we?

Three eyes *and* three arms? Are you sure it wasn’t a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people-eater?

Rosalee [has a surprise]: Keep your eyes closed…
Monroe: Oooh, you sure we’re in the right room for this?
Rosalee: Slow down, that comes later, bub!

Well, the woods are lovely, dark and deep… and full of bodies of all sorts.

Monroe: What if it’s not just mirrors?
Rosalee: What are you talking about?
Monroe: Well, what if she catches her reflection in a window or, like, a china cabinet? Is this skull freak gonna pull her through those, too?!
Rosalee: Let’s just stick to mirrors right now, alright?

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
