And lawyers always end up having sex on top of desks. You never see the stapler until it's too late.

You were right about the Hamptons. So pricey. But everyone here is super friendly. Until you talk to them for too long.

How do I get to the Hamptons by myself? Is there a train? Maybe a trolley?

I have so many fond childhood memories sitting by a warm fire on a cozy rug. Or was that a movie? No, that was me.

Elsbeth: Why was Skip Mason so eager to prove his alibi with Tracy?
Wagner: Maybe because he doesn’t want to be wrongfully accused of murder.

Skip: I’m afraid there’s glitter everywhere. The ladies use it in their hair, in their makeup…
Elsbeth: In the bathtub?
Skip: I wouldn’t be surprised.
Elsbeth: No, I have a feeling you wouldn’t be.

Kaya: Miss Tascioni is here on the consent decree for Major Cases.
Detective Donnelly: Oh, right. A few wrongful arrests in the unit and now we’re stuck with the police police.

Elsbeth: You know, you really should call me Elsbeth. Can I call you Kaya?
Kaya: I guess. Whatever.
Elsbeth: Such a pretty name.

Elsbeth: What is this about?
Celetano: Taking bribes, laundering money through Wagner and his wife’s charitable foundation.
Elsbeth: But who’s Wally?

Kaya: You really just giving up your old life?
Elsbeth: My old life can come visit.
Kaya: You mean your son?

Kaya: Can I help you?
Joann: Oh, I’m a real estate agent. I’ve always wanted to see in this unit.
Kaya: Lady, the body’s still warm.
Joann: I was actually called here by the police. One of my listings was in Gloria’s hand when she died.

Alex: Are you with the police?
Elsbeth: I think so. I’m not sure yet. I’m either with the police or watching the police.

Elsbeth Quotes

Officer Blanke: Is Smullen expecting you?
Elsbeth: Oh, I don’t think anyone is expecting me.

Olivia: I don’t care what you say, I’m going to the Dean.
Alex: Olivia, I am not the enemy. Please don’t go to the Dean, you will have me canceled.
Olivia: Don’t put this on me. You are the one sleeping with his students.You canceled yourself.