Cuddy: It's a privacy curtain.
Foreman: Wasn't working.

House: I quit.
Foreman: You can't quit.
House: I think you're confusing me with Jake Gyllenhaal.

Foreman: You're stealing this guy's oxygen!
House: There's oxygen everywhere.

Foreman: If I own it, I don't want you doing it on it.
Taub: You might want to get rid of your kitchen table.

I'd stand outside your apartment all night and hold a boom box, except you told me you hate 80's music.

Foreman: I feel like Tom Brady's back-up.
Thirteen: Tom Brady's back-up now makes $10 million.

Dr. Foreman: (checking out strippers) You know what a "broken cowboy is? It was on House's list of requirements.
Thirteen: I have three theories.

Taub: How did so many people get my personal email?
Foreman: The Internet is a magical place.

Dr. Foreman: He didn't need to say no. He just wanted to say no.
Dr. Cuddy: House did something solely out of self-interest. That's freaky.

House was an egotistical pill-popping lawsuit magnet... and a genius.

Mom and dad gave you a chance... and a second... and a third. I'm not about to give you a 54th.

Dr. Foreman: I took this job to work with you, not cover your ass. Your Vicodin.
House: And your solution is to give me drugs. That's interesting.
Dr. Foreman: No. Now I'm covering my ass. Take your pills before you kill this kid.

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy