Sorry for what? Saving a baby? Doing your job?

My mother was a saint. My wife was a saint especially by the time she was chasing four kids under ten around the house.

Frank: Be careful. If he's anything like his old man...
Danny: If I'm anything like my old man, he's the one that better be careful.

Garrett: They call themselves the Citizens for Police Accountability.
Frank: That's a mouthful.

Frank: Happy families are alike. Unhappy families are unhappy in their own way.
Nicky: Who said that?
Frank: Other than me? Tolstoy.

We need every advantage we can get and right now that's us knowing and them not.

I'm the police commissioner. I know everything.

You know, if we had a balcony and some water balloons we could really have some fun.

Targets don't shoot back.

If a month comes and you can make rent or the car payment but not both, make the car payment because you can always sleep in your car but you can't drive your house.

I know exactly when you were born which was somewhere around the time when she was also born, if that's your point.

You're going at your food like it's trying to escape.