I thought that you were gone. Must be wishful thinking.

Why didn't you just come right out and call his men girls?

If you got hurt on my watch, in my city, I'd never forgive myself.

Just point me where you want me.

Courage is not the absence of fear it is the judgement that something else is more important than fear.

Teenagers consider it their job to torture their parents.

If you're going to eat that here you better have brought two.

Mayor: I can't speak for you.
Frank: Recent history suggests otherwise.

Henry: You couldn't inherent your mother's cooking right, you had to get that elephant memory of hers.
Frank: Yeah, but I got your sunny disposition.

Frank: I think you're stuck with the role of bad cop.
Erin: Which is ironic since I'm the only one in the family who isn't.

If you told Father Bill he was a candidate for sainthood he'd laugh his ass off.

The vows of chastity in my book make all you guys saints but I assume you're aiming higher.