Erin: She thinks that I'm a terrible driver.
Frank: Well, you are.

I don't understand, but I believe you.

Cops aren't public figures. They're public servants.

Just keep your head and work your case.

Your Grandpa Henry ever tell you his theory about the Riley side of the family being emotionally constipated?

Why is it Angelo, when you say trust me I always want to check my wallet?

If there was a boundary you went at it like an armored division.

Your mom and I had you out numbered and you still won most of the time.

Garrett: In and out of a charity dinner in 36 minutes?
Frank: Personal best.

I will not use 9/11 to sell my department.

Do you know how much I hate it when you quote me back to me?

Erin: Well, I'll deny it to my death, but Danny is the best.
Frank: Yeah, it's annoying, isn't it?
Erin: Beyond.