Father Phil: I can't say.
Frank: Your voice is working just fine, Father.

People hear "special prosecutor," what they really hear is cops screwed it up.

You're still preaching to your choir; I'm not in your choir.

That even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop on the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

Garrett: So the recruits were in a tough spot.
Frank: Relatively speaking.
Garrett: Relative to what?
Frank: Being under fire in 120 degree heat in the middle of the desert is a tough spot, taking a test in an air conditioned classroom, not so much.

Pop, it's Sunday dinner, not Face the Nation.

Jack, the fact that you even considered the Core says something. It means you're thinking about what can I do for my country, not just what I can do for me.

This is and will always be an equal opportunity family and I will throw quiche and a hissy fit at anyone who says otherwise.

Gormley: Guys like Don Kent don't come along every day.
Frank: And in Don's case they get assassinated for it.

Jamie: I'm excited every single shift. How many people can say that?
Frank: A lucky few.

Garrett: I made my mea culpa like you would have.
Frank: How so?
Garrett: Like I was scraping out my eyes with a rusty fork, so thanks for the years of leading by example.

It is what it is. You might as well go out with a bang and an open bar, right?