There's no mistake you can make that I already haven't been there, done that.

Unless it's the proof that he's innocent, in which case it will be back there with the Poconos real estate ads.

Damn internet is a blessing and a curse.

Frank: What's the good news?
Garrett: Who said there was good news?

Garrett: That's actually a good idea.
Frank: Every month or so I try to have one.

You can expect safe passage courtesy of the finest police department in the world.

It's just our New York way of saying Howdy Stranger.

I kind of wish I hadn't given you such a hard time but it was just so damn fun.

It's the blessing and the curse of getting to be his age. You go to a lot of funerals.
Jamie; At least they're not his own.

People say New York is a tough city but it's also a place where dreams come true.

I'm a cop. I've been a cop all my life. I know when someone's telling the truth.

Erin: If anyone's going to punch my ex out it's going to be me.
Frank: I wouldn't mind being there to see that.