I can be your top cop Grace. It doesn't make me your guy. World of difference there.

They hit you with a bottle you hit back with a nuclear missile.

Doing the right thing may be hard but it sure as hell isn't complicated.

What ifs are unknowable. You should decide on the merits.

Garrett: Seeing her will just make it harder.
Frank: It's suppose to be hard.

I think he did the right thing no matter the consequences.

Jamie: He rigged the car. Why would he do that?
Frank: Because he got grounded when he was seven.

It takes guts to stand by your principles, not just when it's easy but when it can cost you something.

Sometimes we have to pay a price for our ethics but we either pay for them or with them.

Baker: Some days you just have to turn them off.
Frank: Easier said than done.

Bacon. The ultimate test of faith.

Frank: You know everything that I know.
Jamie: That's never the case.