"I'm in the woods. With shotguns and liquor and car talk. It's like Deliverance out here."

GEORGE: "There needs to be some rules."
MEREDITH: "So, what? So we can around in our underwear on alternate Tuesdays? Or you could see bras, but not panties? Or are you talking Amish rules? Because if you think you're gonna get Izzie to cover herself-"
GEORGE: "The amount of flesh exposed is not the point. You have to do something, it's your house."
MEREDITH: "It's my mother's house."
GEORGE: "Meredith!"
MEREDITH: "Do you like Izzie? Is that was this is about? You have a crush on Izzie?"
GEORGE: "Izzie? No! I don't like Izzie. No! She's not the one I'm attracted to."
MEREDITH: "Not the one. So there's a one?"

CALLIE: "I make you nervous, don’t I?"
GEORGE: "Yeah, a little."
CALLIE: "That’s good."
GEORGE: "That’s... what?"
CALLIE: "Hey, are you busy?"
CALLIE: "Want to see something really cool?"

IZZIE: [to Alex] "We're all pulling for you."
GEORGE: "We are?"

GEORGE: "God, he's got an ovary?"
ALEX: "Gives a whole new meaning to metrosexual."

[to Izzie] "What you did today... you should be proud. I’ll get orderly to take you downstairs, but I have to go. Understand?"

[Referring to Meredith] "I saw her first!"

GEORGE: "You lived. We both did. Carpe diem, man. Sieze the day!"
PATIENT: [to Cristina] "Any chance you can make him leave?"
CRISTINA: "I really, really wish I could."

GEORGE: "I’m putting my foot down, either the dog moves out or I do. Foot, down, now. Me or the dog, which is it? [pauses] You hesitated! She hesitated!"
IZZIE: "You hesitated?"
MEREDITH: "I didn’t hesitate, I was thinking."
GEORGE: "You have to think about it? Fine, I’m moving out right now. Later, I’m moving out later. Right now, I have rounds."

[to George] "Well, you just tell that bastard that he could have come looking for me like ten years ago."


GEORGE: "Dr. Bailey?"
MIRANDA: "You didn't go to the wedding either."
MIRANDA: "I am so sorry George."
GEORGE: "So, um. What do I do now?"
MIRANDA: "You fail your intern test, you have two options: You can walk away from being a surgical resident altogether, or you can start from the very beginning."
GEORGE: "Repeat my internship? No. I can’t... I can’t."

GEORGE: "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
ALEX: "It's a shot of penicillin, George. Be grateful that I am doing this. I've already seen more of you than I ever wanted to. I'll fight the nightmares for a week."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
