Howard: Samantha, what the hell is going on in here?
Samantha: If I told you, I don't think you'd be very happy.
Howard: Well, I don't expect things to make me happy. I'm from a different generation.

Howard: Art should challenge you. If I'm gonna pay twelve dollars for parking, art should make me think. I'm not thinking, Regina.
Regina: Well, don't let it stop you from talking.

Howard: (looking at semi-nude photograph) OK... now we're talking.
Regina: Oh, well... sure. You like that one. It's a naked woman.
Howard: Well, that's not why I like it. There's an overall theme. There's an intimacy to it.
Regina: Well, that's what those artists do. They get these models drunk, loosen their inhibitions and have sex with them. You saw Titanic.
Howard: I don't like it because of the sex. There's an idea. There's a point of view...
Regina: (interrupting) There's a mole... It's our daughter.
Howard: Oh, my God.

Samantha Who? Quotes

Sam: Couple of good things about being in a coma: no fattening food, lots of rest, they sponge you down every day. It's like a spa. Bad things: my nose itches, I have something called the "Pina Colada Song" stuck in my head, and, oh yeah, sometimes I can hear what people in my room are saying.

Sam: Good things about amnesia: all new clothes, no re-runs. Bad: every minute is like that dream where you haven't been to class all year, and the test is now.