Now I know charting doesn't seem as exciting as surgery, but it is as important. Believe me when I tell you, penmanship saves lives! Is that a 7, or is that a 9? If I have to ask myself that in the middle of an emergency, your patient is dead. You killed him. With your handwriting. Think about that!

"I just wanna go back to when things were normal, when I wasn't poor Izzie laying on the bathroom floor in her prom dress..."

Meredith: What's this patient X thing that's taking all the interns?
Cristina: Yeah, and when's it gonna be over? I need minions to do my crap work!
Alex: It's some new teaching thing.
Cristina: We're all killing ourselves to get into the OR. When's the last time Izzie held a scalpel? She's falling behind. She's like the new O'Malley.
Alex: Izzie's nothing like O'Malley.
George: Hello?

George: I Thought it was right but it wasn't.It's not!
Izzie: It's not.
George: I... I've got to tell her! I have to tell her that marriage is over. It's the right thing to do.
[he runs out, then comes back]
George: Did you see how I walked out of here all determined?
Izzie: You made me proud!

PRESTON: "Dr. Stevens! You coming or going?"
IZZIE: [pauses] "I'm not sure. You?"
PRESTON: "I'm not sure either."

GEORGE: "Callie?"
CALLIE: [to Izzie] "Thank you, goodbye!"
IZZIE: "No! Callie!"
GEORGE: "[comes out of room naked] "What is taking you so- Oh!"
IZZIE: "Um... she had to go. Are you hungry?"

GEORGE: "I just dropped 8.7 million dollars on the floor."
IZZIE: "And?"
GEORGE: "I shouldn't be able to drop 8.7 million dollars on the floor. You need to deposit that check!"

IZZIE: "Denny!"
MIRANDA: "What did I tell you? Visiting hours aren't for another hour and you are no longer his doctor. You want to see Denny, you come back when the visitors come."
IZZIE: "I would but I can't wait."
DENNY: "Hey, ixnay on the insubordinationay."
IZZIE: "But it's my turn."
MIRANDA: "Come on, if the Chief finds out you were even on this floor-"
DENNY: "Hold on... it's her turn."
IZZIE: "Yes. My answer is yes."
DENNY: "Now see, you're gonna make my heart stop beating and it's brand new."
MIRANDA: [to Izzie] "I will call security on you."

IZZIE: "I... I can't... I just..."
ALEX: "Alex gets it. Alex is sorry he's such an idiot."
IZZIE: [laughs] "Can Izzie buy Alex a drink?"

Meredith: Have you seen Burke?
Cristina: No. Have you seen Derek?
Meredith: No.
Izzie: Wait, you haven't seen either of them since the wedding?
Meredith and Cristina: Nope.
Izzie: And you're all fine?
Meredith: Yep.
Cristina: Yep.
Izzie: Wow. You're either incredible healthy or completely messed up.

IZZIE: [to Alex] "You are hateful! Hateful! Hateful, arrogant, lazy... hateful man! Hateful!"
DEREK: "Well, never a dull moment here at Seattle Grace. Scalpel?"

IZZIE: "Hours. Hours of out life that are all I can think about and you seriously can't remember?"
GEORGE: "Look, Izzie, I was drunk. Whatever I did, whatever I said, I'm sure I didn't mean it."
IZZIE: "Yes, George, you meant it. You meant it a lot. You meant it more than once."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
